Animating: from “Bouncing Ball”

"Animating: Starting from ‘Bouncing ball with tail’..." is about the process of learning animating, which includes sub-entries such as "BouncingBall," "ThrowingBall," "Jumping," "SwingingHammer," "StylizedWalkCycle," "Run," "Tapping&Punching," "GangnamStyle," and more.

In the first half of 2021, I took a course called 'Timing Analysis,' which covered basic principles applicable to different animation forms like 2D, 3D, and motion-stop. Using a method similar to motion-stop animation, I maintained a frame rate of 30 frames per second, with a stepped keyframe created every 2 frames.

While maintaining the overall continuity of the motion, I tried to make each pose visually appealing.

Project Type
3D Anim
Work Mode
Start and End Dates
Parent Project
Work Role
Individual Work
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