"Fire Spider" is Lea's vehicle, powered by magical energy. Its red cockpit is supported by eight mechanical suspensions, resembling a fiery spider. FireSpider is tailored for swift maneuverability across intricate terrain.
In the animated short film “Dash Purple & Fire Spider”, I designed the Fire Spider, considering the narrative aspect of “escaping by driving” from the story setting, echoing the symbolism of the SoulSea scene as “a spider web that's hard to escape”, and staying true to the world-building concept of “magic as the energy source”.
I designed a unique suspension system specifically for maneuvering through challenging terrain during escapes. After conceptualizing the suspension animation effects, I proceeded to create a rig for it.
Afterward, to lessen the workload of animating, I developed a solution where the suspension animation is automatically generated when I move the vehicle in real-time or set keyframes for the vehicle actor's transform in the UE sequencer.